
Flights of Fantasy has now partnered with, an independent audiobook company, to provide our customers with access to a wide variety of digital audiobooks which you can listen to on your iPhone, Android device, or PC. These audiobooks are available through our partner and all sales support our store.

• works with all major publishers and has a catalog of over 125,000 audiobooks, including New York Times bestsellers.

• Audiobooks can be purchased individually or through a monthly membership program.

• All audiobook purchases and memberships support our bookstore.

How Can You Join?

1) Send your preferred e-mail address to We’ll enter it into our Libro fm account.

2) You will get a verification e-mail from Flights of Fantasy with a link to Libro fm where you can sign up for your account (make sure to check you junk e-mail account in case it is tagged as Spam).

3) Through your unique Libro fm/Flights of Fantasy web portal on you can search for and buy individual audiobooks with a portion of the proceeds going to support FoF!

4) If you are an audiobook buff you may wish to consider Libro fm’s monthly plan which offers:
  • One audiobook every month for only $14.99, regardless of the list price
  • Flexible credits: they never expire and can be shared as gifts
  • 30% off additional audiobooks and gifted audiobooks
  • Expert recommendations from booksellers
  • Free iOS and Android App
  • DRM-Free—own your audiobooks
  • Audiobook specific gifting
  • First month is Free!

Whether you just use it to buy an occasional individual audiobook now or sign up for the full membership, FoF still gets a portion of the proceeds.

This is a wonderful opportunity for our loyal customers to keep supporting Flights of Fantasy Book and Games and enjoy all of Libro fm’s offerings!